Sunday, April 8, 2012

2012 GCV Daffodil Show results

The largest Garden Club of Virginia (GCV) daffodil show in the history of its club was held in Gloucester on March 29th and 30th at Ware Academy.  This show was also an American Daffodil Society (ADS) Mid-Atlantic Regional Show.  There were 2,130 blooms entered by 108 exhibitors from 1,046 exhibits.  The exhibitors included members from 46 statewide GCV clubs as well as ADS members from six states, Connecticut, North Carolina, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.  The last time the GCV show was held here was over forty years (1974-75) ago.

The show awards began at 2:30 pm on Thursday, March 29th , with Carole White, the Garden Club of Gloucester (GCG) president,  introducing Kim Nash, the GCV president.

Then the horticulture awards were read by Lucy Rhame of Alexandria, the GCV Daffodil Chairman as  Kim Nash presented the awards to the following winners.

The awards began with the GCV perpetual trophies from Classes 1 - 12 that are open only to Garden Club of Virginia members. These trophies are as follows:

Eleanor Truax Harris Cup from Class 1, twenty-four blooms, eight varieties, three stems each, from at least four divisions of daffodils.  The exhibitor cannot win it in two consecutive years.  This trophy was not awarded.

The Mary McDermott Beirne Challenge Bowl from Class 2, four all white varieties, three stems each, from at least two of the first seven divisions was won by Suzanne Worsham of the Leesburg Garden Club.

The Daffodil Chairman’s Cup from Class 3, for daffodil chairmen of the GCV and exhibited in the names of their club.  The winning exhibit was won by the Spotswood Garden Club.

The Edith Hardison Walker Award for the blue ribbon from Class 4, ten varieties, one stem each, from any collection won by Janet Hickman of the Hillside Garden Club.

The Katherine Leadbeater Bloomer Award, Class 5, five different varieties from five different divisions was won by Suzanne Worsham of the Leesburg Garden Club.

The Louise Morris Goodwin Bowl, Class 6, five varieties of American-bred daffodils was won by Karen Cogar of the Huntington Creek Garden Club.

The Jennette H. Rustin Trophy from Class 7, daffodil parent and one child, two cultivars, one being the parent (seed or pollen) of the other.  May be own only one time by an exhibitor.  The winner was Janet Hickman of the Hillside Garden Club.

Award Honoring the Hostess Club Class 8, was won by Jaye DuPaul, member of the Garden Club of Gloucester with her entry, Stratsphere 7y-o. Twenty GCG club members entered this class.

Worshipful Company of Gardeners of London Cup was not awarded.

The Patricia Mann Crenshaw Award, Class 10, Novice class was won by Jill Beach member of the Leesburg Garden Club, entry, Merlin 3w-gyr.

The William G. Pannill Award Class 11, five standard daffodils, one stem each, from at least three of the first seven divisions.  Cultivars must have been bred by Mr. Pannill.  Winner was Jane C. Vaughn of Hillside Garden Club.

Anne Duvall Miller Massie Perpetual Trophy, Class 12, five different pre-1940 cultivars was Elizabeth Clopton Brown of the Garden Club of Gloucester

The Helen Louise Broyhill Trophy for the Best GCV member exhibit was Janet Hickman of  the Hillside Garden Club.

The Jacqueline Byrd Shank Memorial Trophy* for the best GCV member exhibit from the miniature division, was Karen Cogar of the Huntington Creek Garden Club.

The Member Club’s Cup for the best bloom in show was Jane Vaughn of the Hillside Garden Club.

The Pat Lawson Memorial Trophy for the best stem from division 7, classes 67-72, was Mary Koonce of Summit Point, WV, for the entry, Circuit 7y-y.

The Gale and Lockwood Frizzell Award from section M, class 237, best collection of 3 different varieties of Irish blooms from divisions 1 through 4, was Elizabeth Clopton Brown of Gloucester. 

The Garden Club of Virginia Cup award for the Horticultural Sweepstakes presented to the winner of the greatest number of Blue Ribbons was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, MD, with 16 blue ribbons.

The Presidents of Member Clubs’ Cup for the Horticultural Sweepstakes Runner-up to be awarded only to a GCV member was Suzanne Worsham of the Leesburg Garden Club with a total of 11 blue ribbons.


Gold Ribbon for the best standard daffodil in Horticulture Division excluding Historic section was Richard Ezell of Gettysburg, PA, for the entry, Gay Tabor 4W-O. 

White Ribbon for the best three stems of one standard cultivar was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, MD, for the entry, Rondo, 9W-GYR.  

Rose Ribbon for the best standard seedling exhibited by its originator was Anne Donnell Smith for the entry, Seedling 94C-14 Modulux x BenVorlich 2W-YYR.

Purple Ribbon for the best collection of five different standard daffodils was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, MD.  This entry also won the best ADS Intermediate Collection of 5. 

Red-White-Blue Ribbon for the best collection of five different standard cultivars, one stem each, of American breeding from Section B, Class 18 was won by Ceci Brown of Gloucester.

Historic Daffodil Ribbon for best pre-1940 cultivar in Historic Section from Section J, Classes 202-217 was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, MD, for the entry, Dinkie 3 Y-GYR.

Historic Best of Three Ribbon for the best three stems from classes 209-215 was David Vaughn of Lynchburg for the entry, Erlicheer 4w-y.

Historic Collection of Five for the best collection of five pre-1940 standard cultivars from class 217 was Karen Cogar of Alexandria.

Intermediate Ribbon for the best intermediate-size cultivar selected from the Intermediate Section of the show, or from standard collections, or Youth or Small Growers Sections was Katherine Beale of Norfolk for the entry, Pink China 2W-P.

Small Growers’ Ribbon for the best standard daffodil from Section G, Classes 158-17 was Leigh Barth of Madison Heights for entry, Colonial Treasure, 3W-GWW. 

Youth Best Bloom Ribbon for the best Bloom in Youth Division from Section L, was Madeleine Wallach of Middleburg for the entry, Hambledon 2YYW-Y. 

Youth Best of Three Ribbon for the best three stems of one cultivar or species from Section L, Class 236, was Ryan Potter of Richmond for entry, Ice Wing, 5W-W.

Maroon Ribbon for the best collection of five different standard cultivars, one stem each, reverse bicolor, any division or divisions from Section B, Class 17,  not awarded.

Marie Bozievich Ribbon for the best collection of 12 different cultivars or species, one stem each from at least four RHS divisions from Section B,  Class 19, was won by Richard Ezell of Gettysburg, PA. 

Throckmorton Ribbon for the best collection of 15 standard cultivars or species, one stem each, from 15 different RHS classifications, each labeled with name, division and color code from Section B, Class 20 was Karen Cogar of Alexandria. 

Quinn Award, Silver Medal or Ribbon, for a collection of 24 labeled cultivars or species, one stem each, representing at least five divisions, not awarded.

Miniature Gold Ribbon for the best miniature daffodil in Horticulture Division from Sections H and I was Olivia Welbourn of Owings Springs, Md., for entry, Shillingstone 8w-w.

Miniature White Ribbon for the best three stems of same miniature daffodils from Section H, Classes 185-197 was Olivia Welbourn of Owings Springs, Md., for entry, Oxford Gold 10y-y. 

Miniature Rose Ribbon for the best miniature seedling exhibited by its originator was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, Md.,  for entry, Seedling # 03-12 Golden Bells OP.

Lavender Ribbon for the best collection of five different miniature daffodils from Section I, Class 198,  was Mitch and Kate Carney, Boonesboro, MD. 

Miniature Red-White-Blue Ribbon for the best collection of five different miniature cultivars, one stem each of American breeding  from Section I,  Class 199, was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, MD.   

Delia Bankhead Ribbon, formerly the Aqua Ribbon, for best collection of nine miniature cultivars and/or species, one stem each, from at least three different, was Mitch and Kate Carney, Boonesboro, MD. 

Roberta C. Watrous Award, Silver Medal or Ribbon, for a collection of twelve different cultivars and/or species of miniature daffodils from at least three divisions. from Section I, Class 201 was Olivia Welbourn of Owings Mills, Md. 

Silver Ribbon is awarded to the exhibitor winning the most blue ribbons in the Horticulture Division was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, Md., winning 16 blue ribbons.  

Special ADS Regional Awards given only at Regional Shows:

Tuggle Award for the best collection of three stems each of twelve different daffodil cultivars and/or species from at least three RHS divisions was not awarded.

Miniature Bronze Ribbon for the best collection of three stems each of five different cultivars and/or species from at least three RHS divisions was Mitch and Kate Carney, Boonesboro, MD.  

After the horticulture awards,  Lynn Gas, the GCV Flower Shows Chairman, presented the GCV Artistic Awards.   There were 81 artistic exhibitors entering 79 exhibits. 

The Flower Show Chairman’s Cup for the Best Artistic Arrangement by an individual was Matilda Bradshaw of Mill Mountain Garden Club for her entry in Class 242, entitled, Gloucester’s Daffodil Industry.  This entry also received The Sandra Sadler Baylor Award for the most creative arrangement in show and The Decca Gilmer Frackelton Award  for  the best arrangement in the show both awards did not include the Inter Club artistic classes .

The Mrs. Littleton H. Mears Trophy for the Best Artistic Inter Club arrangement was won by Charlottesville Garden Club for their entry, Roaring Springs, Waterfall design, Class 240C.

The Hunter Hankins Savage Award for Best arrangement by a novice, was Kate Zullo, member of the Garden Club of Gloucester, from class 241, entitled, The Boys Scouts Log Cabin, a landscape design. Class 243, Werowocomoco, an assemblage design, blue won by Fran Zabici of  Zanoni, red, Matilda Bradshaw ,  Roanoke,  yellow, Rosemary Francis, Roanoke, honorable mentions, Peyton Wells, Richmond, and Jeanette Cadwallender, Fredericksburg.

Class 244, Three Historic Churches, parallel design, blue won by Darla Carroll, Gloucester, red, Judy Cathey, Gloucester, yellow, Melissa Ashe, Gloucester Point, and  honorable mention, Lynde Fletcher, Roanoke.

Class 245, Walter Reed’s Birthplace, a miniature arrangement, blue won by Peggy Robins, Gloucester Point, red, Felicity Ericson, Gloucester, yellow, Susan Briggs, Bena, honorable mention, Mari Ann Banks, Gloucester

Lastly, the Garden Club of Gloucester Awards was presented by their president, Carole White.  These trophies are as follows:

In memory of Pinkey Matheson and Mary Whitehead, given by Petie W. Matheson, for the Best Standard Bloom in the Show was Richard Ezell, Gettsburg, Pa., for entry, Gay Tabor 4w-o.

In memory of Dr. Raymond S. Brown, given by his wife, Elizabeth Clopton Brown, for the Best Miniature Bloom in the Show was Olivia Welbourn, Owings Mills, Md., for entry, Shillingstone 8w-w.

In memory of Edward H. Ould, III, given by Betty Barr Ould, for the most Blue Ribbons in Horticulture was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, Md., receiving 16 blue ribbons.

In memory of Ann B. Dischinger, given by her daughters  Amy D. Colaizzi and  Martha D.Wellons, for the Best Bloom from the Small Grower’s Division from Section G was Leigh Barth of Madison Heights, for entry, Colonial Treasure 3w-gww.

In memory of Leland C. Bowditch, given by his mother, Peggy Bowditch, for the Best Bloom from the Youth Division from Section L was Madeleine Wallach, Middleburg, for entry, Hambledon 2y-y.

In honor of Elizabeth Clopton Brown, given by Kate Zullo, for the Best Bloom from the Historic Division from Section J was Mitch and Kate Carney of Boonesboro, Md, for entry, Dinkie 3y-gyr.

In honor of Petie Matheson and Betty Barr Ould, given by Diane Spence, for the Best Collection of Red or Orange Cup Daffodils from Section B, Class 13 was Richard Ezell of Gettysburg, Pa.

In honor of Carole White, given by the GCG Board, Best Collection of Yellow Daffodils from Section B, Class 16 was Patricia A. Goins of Fairfax. 

In memory of Ann H. Tunner, given by her daughter Suzanne Tunner Hudson, Blue Ribbon from Class 240A, entitled Colonial Court House, an early colonial design, was the Hampton Roads Garden Club.

In memory of Mildred Warner Marshall Boyd, given by her son, Thomas M. Boyd, Blue Ribbon from Class 240B, entitled Rosewell, Late Georgian design, was the Virginia Beach Garden Club.

In memory of Helen H. Meekins, given by Karen Malo, Blue Ribbon from Class 240C, entitled Roaring Springs, a waterfall design, was the Charlottesville Garden Club.

In memory of Beverley R. W. Marshall, given by his wife, Betty Marshall, blue ribbon from Class 240D, entitled Virginia Institute Marine Science, Free Form design, was the Tuckahoe Garden Club.

In memory of Dougie Anderson and Kitty Wilson, given by Becky Meeker for the Best Arrangement by a Novice from Class 241, entitled Boy Scouts Log Cabin, was Kate Zullo of Gloucester. Other ribbons awarded were red, Shannah Cooper, Gloucester; yellow, Terry Buntrock, Williamsburg.

In memory of Eva Mae Gregory, given by her daughter,  Cam Williams, for the Best Arrangement in the Show, was won by Matilda Bradshaw, Roanoke,  from class 242, Gloucester’s Daffodil industry. Other ribbons awarded were red, Peyton Wells, Richmond; yellow, Kitty Martin, Gloucester Point; honorable mentions, Lauurie Hollady, Gordonsville, and Joyce Rice, Roanoke..

In memory of Dee S. Evans, given by Carole White, for the best youth arrangement from Ages 7-9 was won by Alex Barbee, Gloucester, for his entry, Daffodil Parade Float.  Other youths ribbons are as follows red, Augustus Kettle, North, yellow, Amelia Parcell, Gloucester, honorable mentions, Stephanie Riedell and Holli Gubeli, both of Gloucester.

In memory of Ray Brown, given by his sister, Ceci Brown, for the best youth arrangement from Ages 10-13 was won by Lila Sadler of Gloucester for her entry, Tribute to Local Waterman.  Other youths ribbons are as follows, red, Gavin Corcoran, Gloucester, honorable mentions, Gibson Hylton, Ordinary, Kathryn James, Hayes, and Mia Sadler, Gloucester.

Founders Cup awarded annually to the member of the Garden Club of Gloucester with the most points in the horticulture classes was Elizabeth Clopton Brown.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Online Registration

Online registration has begun at the Garden Club of Virginia web site.  More information click HERE.

This year the Garden Club of Gloucester (GCG) will not be doing their usual daffodil show as they will be hosting the 78th annual Garden Club of Virginia (GCV) Daffodil Show.  This show is the second oldest US daffodil show. GCG has not hosted this show since the mid 1970s.  Please review the SCHEDULE carefully for differences.  Everyone is welcome to enter this show.

Our apologies that  the show will not be on the same weekend as the local Daffodil Festival.  Dates of this year's show are Wednesday, March 28, to Friday, March 30. 

We look forward to see you there!