The Garden Club of Gloucester's 60th Annual Daffodil Show is an American Daffodil Society accredited show. The Show will be held March 27-28, 2010, at Page Middle School, 5628 George Washington Highway, Gloucester, Virginia.
For more information and to obtain a show schedule, please contact the show chairs, Sandy Geiger, 642-6212,, or Jaye Dupaul, 693-6742,
To register for the horticulture divison, contact Joan Jackson at For specific information on the horticulture rules -- click here.
The 2010 Artistic Division theme is "Blooms in Flight" interpreting birds in flight through flower arranging. There are eleven artistic classes. See entries Classes 231 through 239 or click here. These classes are limited to 4 entries each. To register call Shannah Cooper at (804) 693-5552 or For specific information on the artistic rules -- click here.
Two artistic classes, 240 and 241 are for youths only, ages 6 to 13, to register call Nina Watkins, (804) 642-2826, or Juli Peebles, (804) 693-0660. Last date to register for Youth Division is March 21. For additional information on the Youth Artistic Schedule -- click here.
For information on the photography division, contact Susan Murray, 725-4580, at or Vivian Shackelford, 725-5092, at For more information on the Photography Division rules and classes -- click here.
Monday, January 25, 2010
WINNER: Amelita Thomas, Hayes
NOTE: This arrangement tied for the Creativity Award.
Entrants were to create an abstract arrangement that portrays this whimsical pink silhouette. Flowers and foliage used only for their boldness of form, color, texture or line. Material may be manipulated by bending, stripping, knotting or tying and may be placed upside down, sideways, hanging, and/or from many different openings. Simplicity is essential.
WINNER: Judy Cathey of Gloucester
NOVICE CLASS: Open to those who had never won a blue ribbon.
BALD EAGLES: Did you know? The largest bald eagle nest on record was 9.5 feet wide and 20 feet high and weighed more than two tons.
Entrants were to create a phoenix design that characterizes this majestic bird’s rise from its nest. Inspired from the story of the phoenix rising from the ashes – the base of the design is rounded and compact. Flowers or branches emerge from the center and rise to tall heights. Low containers are suggested.
NOVICE CLASS: Open to those who had never won a blue ribbon.
BALD EAGLES: Did you know? The largest bald eagle nest on record was 9.5 feet wide and 20 feet high and weighed more than two tons.
Entrants were to create a phoenix design that characterizes this majestic bird’s rise from its nest. Inspired from the story of the phoenix rising from the ashes – the base of the design is rounded and compact. Flowers or branches emerge from the center and rise to tall heights. Low containers are suggested.
PENGUINS: Did you know? These flightless birds can dive to a depth of 1,870 feet and stay underwater for up to 22 minutes.
Entrants were to create a parallel arrangement which depicts their ability to stand tall in extreme temperatures. Three or more units of plant material with strong line quality, paralleling each other with open spaces between each unit. If multiple containers are used, they must appear to come from one base.

FIRST PLACE WINNER: Fran Zabicki of Zanoni
SECOND PLACE WINNER: Joan Jackson of Zanoni
This arrangement tied for the Creativity Award

Entrants were to create a stabile arrangement that illustrates the movement of these precise formations. A stationary design that appears to move through restrained use of plant materials that express or imply motion.
WINNER: Kitty Martin of Gloucester Point
NOTE: This arrangement recieved both the Best in Show and the People's Choice Awards.
PEACOCKS: Did you know? The tail feathers of the male peacock are more than 60% of the bird’s total body length and can reach up to 5 feet. Entrants were to create a mass arrangement which depicts the brilliant hues of this regal bird. Plant material rising from one point with a closed form and height of 1 to 1 ½ times that of the container. The use of plant materials and colors are important in the overall design.
NOTE: This arrangement recieved both the Best in Show and the People's Choice Awards.
PEACOCKS: Did you know? The tail feathers of the male peacock are more than 60% of the bird’s total body length and can reach up to 5 feet. Entrants were to create a mass arrangement which depicts the brilliant hues of this regal bird. Plant material rising from one point with a closed form and height of 1 to 1 ½ times that of the container. The use of plant materials and colors are important in the overall design.
WINNER: Jeanette Samford of Gloucester
HUMMINGBIRDS: Did you know? The hum of a hummingbird is made by the bird’s rapid wing beat which can be 200 beats a second.
Entrants were to create a miniature arrangement which reflects their amazing efficiency.
Any style or design not more than 5 inches in any direction. Small container should not overwhelm plant material. May “cut down” larger flower into smaller parts.
WINNER: Kate Zullo of Gloucester

WINNER: Ceci Brown of Zanoni
SINGING CANARIES – CHALLENGE CLASS: Did you know? This bright yellow bird has been kept in captivity and bred for its singing abilities for more than 500 years.
Entrants were to create an interpretation of these song birds. All entrants were provided with the same materials to create their interpretive designs on site. They met Saturday, March 28, at 8 AM, bringing clippers and other tools.
SINGING CANARIES – CHALLENGE CLASS: Did you know? This bright yellow bird has been kept in captivity and bred for its singing abilities for more than 500 years.
Entrants were to create an interpretation of these song birds. All entrants were provided with the same materials to create their interpretive designs on site. They met Saturday, March 28, at 8 AM, bringing clippers and other tools.
Cabell Jones pictured in front of her winning arrangement, titled, 'Duckling'.
Arranging begins a 6:00 PM Friday, March 27, in the side hall. Garden Club members will be available to talk about flower arranging basics, but the final design is up to you. Parents may not remain in the youth work area. Pick-up is at 7:30pm.
Illustration by Vilhelm Pedersen, Andersen‘s first illustrator
CLASS 241 - SWANS ages 10-13
Youth Division entries will not be limited. To register for this class and/or for questions call Nina Watkins, 804-642-2826 or mailto:JWatkins49@cox.netor Juli Peebles, 804-693-0660. Last date to register for Youth Division is March 21.
Artistic Design General Rules
1. All exhibitors must register in the cafeteria and receive an exhibitor number.
2. Advance registration is required for all classes. Please make reservations with Shannah Cooper, 804-693-5552 or by March 21. Each class is limited to four entries.
3. Entries will be received Friday, March 26 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 27 from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Closing time will be strictly enforced.
4. All designs will be judged according to the GCV Flower Shows Handbook, revised 2002, click here and Elizabeth River Styles of Flower Arranging – Contemporary Designs, click here to order.
5. Class 232 is for novices (those who have never won a blue ribbon for an arrangement).
6. Youth Division entries will not be limited. To register for this class and/or for questions call Nina Watkins, 804-642-2826 or or Juli Peebles, 804-693-0660. Last date to register for Youth Division is March 21.
7. Each exhibitor is responsible for filling the space he or she has reserved or must provide a substitute to fill the space. All work on arrangements must be done by exhibitor and must feature daffodils.
8. Background material is not permitted unless specified in schedule.
9. Material in exhibits should be well conditioned; this is most important. Artificial fruit, flowers or foliage are not permitted. Accessories are permitted unless otherwise specified in schedule. Important: Any natural woodland items, fruit, vegetables, etc. should be sprayed and sealed to eliminate insects.
10. Arrangements will be shown with a background screen 40”high, 30”wide, and 18”deep. Screens are black with no wings and 40” from floor. Base or stand is considered part of the container. This does not apply to Classes 235 or 239. Class 235 is staged in a lighted shadow box 8” high, 6” deep. Class 239 is in the center area.
11. All arrangements must be passed by Artistic Classification Committee before the exhibitor leaves the floor. All entries must be accompanied by two typed or neatly printed 3”x 5” cards. The first card must list all plant material used indicating purchased from florist with “F” or grown in the garden with “G”. The second, in 20 words or less, should be an explanation of the arranger’s intent.
12. Exhibitors may not disturb or remove exhibits until 4:00 p.m. Sunday, March 28. At the close of the show, exhibitors are responsible for removing all personal property. The show will be taken down at 4:15 p.m.
For questions about artistic classes or reference material to use, contact Shannah Cooper, 804-693-5552 or or Emily Barbee, 804-693-9677 or For other questions or information about the show, contact the Show Chairs, Jaye DuPaul or Sandy Geiger sgeiger2@cox.netThe show committee cannot be responsible for the personal property of exhibitors or guests.
1. All exhibitors must register in the cafeteria and receive an exhibitor number.
2. Advance registration is required for all classes. Please make reservations with Shannah Cooper, 804-693-5552 or by March 21. Each class is limited to four entries.
3. Entries will be received Friday, March 26 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 27 from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Closing time will be strictly enforced.
4. All designs will be judged according to the GCV Flower Shows Handbook, revised 2002, click here and Elizabeth River Styles of Flower Arranging – Contemporary Designs, click here to order.
5. Class 232 is for novices (those who have never won a blue ribbon for an arrangement).
6. Youth Division entries will not be limited. To register for this class and/or for questions call Nina Watkins, 804-642-2826 or or Juli Peebles, 804-693-0660. Last date to register for Youth Division is March 21.
7. Each exhibitor is responsible for filling the space he or she has reserved or must provide a substitute to fill the space. All work on arrangements must be done by exhibitor and must feature daffodils.
8. Background material is not permitted unless specified in schedule.
9. Material in exhibits should be well conditioned; this is most important. Artificial fruit, flowers or foliage are not permitted. Accessories are permitted unless otherwise specified in schedule. Important: Any natural woodland items, fruit, vegetables, etc. should be sprayed and sealed to eliminate insects.
10. Arrangements will be shown with a background screen 40”high, 30”wide, and 18”deep. Screens are black with no wings and 40” from floor. Base or stand is considered part of the container. This does not apply to Classes 235 or 239. Class 235 is staged in a lighted shadow box 8” high, 6” deep. Class 239 is in the center area.
11. All arrangements must be passed by Artistic Classification Committee before the exhibitor leaves the floor. All entries must be accompanied by two typed or neatly printed 3”x 5” cards. The first card must list all plant material used indicating purchased from florist with “F” or grown in the garden with “G”. The second, in 20 words or less, should be an explanation of the arranger’s intent.
12. Exhibitors may not disturb or remove exhibits until 4:00 p.m. Sunday, March 28. At the close of the show, exhibitors are responsible for removing all personal property. The show will be taken down at 4:15 p.m.
For questions about artistic classes or reference material to use, contact Shannah Cooper, 804-693-5552 or or Emily Barbee, 804-693-9677 or For other questions or information about the show, contact the Show Chairs, Jaye DuPaul or Sandy Geiger sgeiger2@cox.netThe show committee cannot be responsible for the personal property of exhibitors or guests.
For information on the photography division, contact Susan Murray, 725-4580, at or Vivian Shackelford, 725-5092, at
Class 226 Daffodils in Nature or in a Landscape - A display of spring plants including daffodils. The site must be visible from a public thoroughfare or public property in Gloucester or Mathews County:
Eligible for the Community Service Award – one award to the site and one award to the photographer.
Class 227 Portraits of Daffodils - A close-up of a single daffodil bloom or up to three blooms of a single cultivar.
Class 228 Daffodils with People or Animals
Class 229 Abstract/Special Effects Celebration Daffodils - Daffodil images composed or altered with non-standard techniques.
Class 230 Youth Photography - Youth 16 or under. Photography must feature daffodils.
Photography Division Awards:
The James V. and Violet Morgan Community Service Award*
In memory Jimmy & Violet Morgan for their dedication to conservation and beautification in their community.
Two awards are given: One award given to the owner of a location in Gloucester or Mathews for the best public display of daffodils beautifying our community as depicted in Class 226 and one award given to the winning photographer in Class 226.
The Gloucester Veteran’s Award*
In honor of and gratitude for Gloucester’s Veterans for their service to our country.
Awarded to the photograph deemed Best in Show – Photographer Division.
*These are perpetual awards which are kept for one year.
1. All exhibitors must register in the cafeteria and receive an exhibitor number.
2. Entries will be accepted between 5:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Friday. March 26 and between 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 27.
3. Entries must be picked up between 4:00 and 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, March 28. The Garden Club of Gloucester will not return photos but will mail any uncollected ribbons.
4. Amateurs, professionals, and youth are eligible to enter all classes. Only youth ages 16 and under may enter Class 230.
5. All entries must be the work of the exhibitor and must contain images of one or more daffodils as required by the class. All photographs must have been taken in 2010.
6. Exhibitors may enter no more than two photographs in each class. Photographs may not have won a blue ribbon in a previous ADS sanctioned show.
7. The photograph must be 8”x10”. The photograph must be mounted on a piece of 8”x10” stiff card stock or foam board with no border showing; no matting or framing is allowed.
8. An entry card must accompany each entry. In Class 226, list the name of the site where the photograph was taken.
9. Only Class 226 will be eligible for the Community Service Award.
10. Only one first, one second, and one third place award will be given in each class. Honorable mentions may also be given, but only if all higher awards are given.
11. The Veterans Award will be given to the photograph deemed by the judges to be Best In Show - Photography Division.
12. The Garden Club of Gloucester is not responsible for any lost or damaged property. Rights to images are granted to the Garden Club of Gloucester for potential promotional purposes.
Class 226 Daffodils in Nature or in a Landscape - A display of spring plants including daffodils. The site must be visible from a public thoroughfare or public property in Gloucester or Mathews County:
Eligible for the Community Service Award – one award to the site and one award to the photographer.
Class 227 Portraits of Daffodils - A close-up of a single daffodil bloom or up to three blooms of a single cultivar.
Class 228 Daffodils with People or Animals
Class 229 Abstract/Special Effects Celebration Daffodils - Daffodil images composed or altered with non-standard techniques.
Class 230 Youth Photography - Youth 16 or under. Photography must feature daffodils.
Photography Division Awards:
The James V. and Violet Morgan Community Service Award*
In memory Jimmy & Violet Morgan for their dedication to conservation and beautification in their community.
Two awards are given: One award given to the owner of a location in Gloucester or Mathews for the best public display of daffodils beautifying our community as depicted in Class 226 and one award given to the winning photographer in Class 226.
The Gloucester Veteran’s Award*
In honor of and gratitude for Gloucester’s Veterans for their service to our country.
Awarded to the photograph deemed Best in Show – Photographer Division.
*These are perpetual awards which are kept for one year.
1. All exhibitors must register in the cafeteria and receive an exhibitor number.
2. Entries will be accepted between 5:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Friday. March 26 and between 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 27.
3. Entries must be picked up between 4:00 and 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, March 28. The Garden Club of Gloucester will not return photos but will mail any uncollected ribbons.
4. Amateurs, professionals, and youth are eligible to enter all classes. Only youth ages 16 and under may enter Class 230.
5. All entries must be the work of the exhibitor and must contain images of one or more daffodils as required by the class. All photographs must have been taken in 2010.
6. Exhibitors may enter no more than two photographs in each class. Photographs may not have won a blue ribbon in a previous ADS sanctioned show.
7. The photograph must be 8”x10”. The photograph must be mounted on a piece of 8”x10” stiff card stock or foam board with no border showing; no matting or framing is allowed.
8. An entry card must accompany each entry. In Class 226, list the name of the site where the photograph was taken.
9. Only Class 226 will be eligible for the Community Service Award.
10. Only one first, one second, and one third place award will be given in each class. Honorable mentions may also be given, but only if all higher awards are given.
11. The Veterans Award will be given to the photograph deemed by the judges to be Best In Show - Photography Division.
12. The Garden Club of Gloucester is not responsible for any lost or damaged property. Rights to images are granted to the Garden Club of Gloucester for potential promotional purposes.
Rules for Exhibitors
1. All exhibitors must register in the cafeteria and receive an exhibitor number.
2. Awards will be presented at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 27.
3. Entries will be accepted from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, March 26 and from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 27. Closing time will be strictly enforced. Show floor opens Friday at 5:00 p.m. and Saturday at 7:30 a.m.
4. Horticulture classes are open to all daffodil growers unless specified otherwise. Judges may not enter any class which they have been assigned to judge.
5. All standard blooms in the horticultural section must have been grown in the open by the exhibitor. Miniatures may have been grown in protected areas.
6. Exhibits which are not named or are incorrectly named will not be judged. Correct classification and labeling shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Blooms of seedlings may be exhibited in all classes for named cultivars. All seedlings must be identified by a number designation assigned by the originator. If the exhibitor is not the originator, the name of the originator must be included as part of the identification.
7. Any information on an entry tag, including the exhibitor’s number which could compromise the anonymity of the exhibitor, must be concealed during the judging.
8. Each stem in an exhibit receiving an ADS award must score 90% or more by the ADS Scale of Points.
9. All collections of five or more stems must be exhibited with each cultivar or species in a separate container. Each cultivar or species must be correctly labeled with name and division. Containers for all classes will be furnished.
10. The Youth Division (Section I) is limited to exhibitors 15 years or under. An exhibitor may make up to three entries in each class provided each is with a different cultivar. The Garden Club of Gloucester encourages exhibitors in this section to have directly participated in the daffodil growing and exhibiting process.
11. Miniature daffodils named in the most recent ADS Approved List of Miniatures with any official additions thereto may be shown only in classes for miniatures. An exhibitor may enter any named or numbered, graceful, diminutive daffodil flower in classes for miniature daffodils; however, judges may decline to judge such a flower if in their opinion it is too large to be considered miniature.
12. Only one first, one second and one third award will be given in each class. Honorable Mention awards may also be given, but only if all higher awards are given.
13. Any and all awards may be withheld by the judges if, in their opinion, the exhibit is not worthy. The decision of the judges shall be final, except as stated in Rule 14. However, if a blue ribbon is given in a class eligible for an ADS award, the ADS award may not be withheld.
14. Correct classification and labeling shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Color coding not required except in Class 208. ADS authoritative publications for this will be available at the show. No label may be changed, specimens altered, added, removed or substituted after the judging has begun or after an award has been placed. If an error has been discovered in an exhibit after completion in judging, any award placed thereon (ADS, Special or Ribbon) shall be forfeited by the exhibitor. If an error is discovered before judging is completed, the class must be judged again.
15. All specimens are to be shown without daffodil foliage. Boxwood will be provided as the only wedging material. No cotton permitted.
16. Exhibitors are allowed only one entry in each class of the show except Sections D, E, G and I (each entry must be a different cultivar or species).
17. “Colored” as used in this schedule means any color other than white.
18. A reverse bi-color has a predominately yellow perianth and a predominately white cup where “predominately” means at least two adjacent zones must be the designated color.
19. Section F is open to all cultivars, but not species, introduced or in gardens before 1940. All cultivars shall be labeled with name, division number and a year of registration (or introduction) as listed in the ADS Data Bank. No bloom in this section shall be eligible for any ADS award other than the ADS Ribbon for pre-1940 cultivars.
20. The Show Committee reserves the right to subdivide classes by cultivar or color code and if a sufficient number of worthy exhibits is left in the class. Species may be subdivided by their botanical sections.
21. Exhibitors may not disturb or remove exhibits until 4:00 p.m., Sunday March 28. The show will be taken down at 4:15 p.m.
1. All exhibitors must register in the cafeteria and receive an exhibitor number.
2. Awards will be presented at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 27.
3. Entries will be accepted from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, March 26 and from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 27. Closing time will be strictly enforced. Show floor opens Friday at 5:00 p.m. and Saturday at 7:30 a.m.
4. Horticulture classes are open to all daffodil growers unless specified otherwise. Judges may not enter any class which they have been assigned to judge.
5. All standard blooms in the horticultural section must have been grown in the open by the exhibitor. Miniatures may have been grown in protected areas.
6. Exhibits which are not named or are incorrectly named will not be judged. Correct classification and labeling shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Blooms of seedlings may be exhibited in all classes for named cultivars. All seedlings must be identified by a number designation assigned by the originator. If the exhibitor is not the originator, the name of the originator must be included as part of the identification.
7. Any information on an entry tag, including the exhibitor’s number which could compromise the anonymity of the exhibitor, must be concealed during the judging.
8. Each stem in an exhibit receiving an ADS award must score 90% or more by the ADS Scale of Points.
9. All collections of five or more stems must be exhibited with each cultivar or species in a separate container. Each cultivar or species must be correctly labeled with name and division. Containers for all classes will be furnished.
10. The Youth Division (Section I) is limited to exhibitors 15 years or under. An exhibitor may make up to three entries in each class provided each is with a different cultivar. The Garden Club of Gloucester encourages exhibitors in this section to have directly participated in the daffodil growing and exhibiting process.
11. Miniature daffodils named in the most recent ADS Approved List of Miniatures with any official additions thereto may be shown only in classes for miniatures. An exhibitor may enter any named or numbered, graceful, diminutive daffodil flower in classes for miniature daffodils; however, judges may decline to judge such a flower if in their opinion it is too large to be considered miniature.
12. Only one first, one second and one third award will be given in each class. Honorable Mention awards may also be given, but only if all higher awards are given.
13. Any and all awards may be withheld by the judges if, in their opinion, the exhibit is not worthy. The decision of the judges shall be final, except as stated in Rule 14. However, if a blue ribbon is given in a class eligible for an ADS award, the ADS award may not be withheld.
14. Correct classification and labeling shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Color coding not required except in Class 208. ADS authoritative publications for this will be available at the show. No label may be changed, specimens altered, added, removed or substituted after the judging has begun or after an award has been placed. If an error has been discovered in an exhibit after completion in judging, any award placed thereon (ADS, Special or Ribbon) shall be forfeited by the exhibitor. If an error is discovered before judging is completed, the class must be judged again.
15. All specimens are to be shown without daffodil foliage. Boxwood will be provided as the only wedging material. No cotton permitted.
16. Exhibitors are allowed only one entry in each class of the show except Sections D, E, G and I (each entry must be a different cultivar or species).
17. “Colored” as used in this schedule means any color other than white.
18. A reverse bi-color has a predominately yellow perianth and a predominately white cup where “predominately” means at least two adjacent zones must be the designated color.
19. Section F is open to all cultivars, but not species, introduced or in gardens before 1940. All cultivars shall be labeled with name, division number and a year of registration (or introduction) as listed in the ADS Data Bank. No bloom in this section shall be eligible for any ADS award other than the ADS Ribbon for pre-1940 cultivars.
20. The Show Committee reserves the right to subdivide classes by cultivar or color code and if a sufficient number of worthy exhibits is left in the class. Species may be subdivided by their botanical sections.
21. Exhibitors may not disturb or remove exhibits until 4:00 p.m., Sunday March 28. The show will be taken down at 4:15 p.m.
WINNER: Steve Bland of Urbanna
BIRD HABITATS – FOR MEN ONLY: Did you know? Currently, over 10,000 bird species inhabit the Earth. Their habitats range from the vast deserts of the Sahara, to polar ice caps, and from lush, green tropical rainforests, to our own backyards, rivers and bays. Equally, birds come to us in numerous shapes, colors and sizes that continue to amuse, delight and enrich our lives. Entrants were to create their own interpretation of the perfect bird habitat. Space allotment is 5’ wide by 5’ long by 6’ high (maximum height). Area will be taped off for each entry. The use of tables, table cloths and floor coverings are optional. Cards of intent should be at least 8”x10” with print that can be easily read. No silk or artificial flowers. Living plant material may be altered as needed. As with all arrangements, daffodils must be featured.
Ray Friend of Gloucester received a blue for artistic distinction and dubbed "Mr. Philiadephia Flower Show by the judges.
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